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Biodegradable Hydraulic Oil Applications And Advantages

By Helene Norris

This discussion about the applications and advantages of biodegradable hydraulic oil requires the reader to have a basic understanding of hydraulic fluids and machinery. It might also be helpful to know exactly what it means for a substance to be biodegradable. Let's consider these things one at a time, and then see how well they work together for commercial, agricultural and industrial applications.

In a hydraulic system, the force applied on one side of the system is transmitted through a fluid to the other side. The efficiency of the system depends on the compressibility of the fluid, which is why almost all such systems use oils that are highly incompressible. This means that any force applied from one side is multiplied and transferred to the other side.

The principle can be seen in action in any number of applications. One of the most prominent usages is in vehicle brakes, transmissions and power steering. Backhoes, garbage movers and dump trucks that need to do a lot of heavy lifting are all based on hydraulics. Other major applications can be found in industrial machinery, lifts and aircraft flight control systems.

The power transfer mechanism described above is just one part of the work fluids do in these systems. They may also be used for heat transfer and as conducting mediums. They function as sealing mediums to keep liquids and gases within the system from escaping out. They provide lubrication for moving parts that may wear out due to friction, and the fluid helps dissipate the heat that is generated.

As to biodegradability, this refers to the way natural material is quickly processed and broken down into constituent components such as Co2 and other elements commonly found in the soil, water and air. The best example is a dead plant, which is processed by sunlight, microorganisms and water within a month. The example is quite apt for this discussion, because biodegradable hydraulic oil is made from plants and degrades in the same way when it leaks out on the ground or in water.

Regardless of the application, leaked hydraulic fluids that quickly biodegrade back into nature are obviously a good thing. But it is highly desired in certain situations such as machinery used for agriculture. Combines, tractors and pumps that make use of fluids cannot afford to leak toxic oils into the soil or water because it would ultimately end up in the feedstock and produce, creating health risks for both farm animals and humans.

There are two basic categorizations for fluids that lay claim to biodegradability. They can either be inherently or readily biodegradable. The latter term implies that 60-100 percent of the substance will degrade within 28 days. The inherently biodegradable type can only promise 20-60 percent of biodegradation within the same period.

The easy way to get hold of the most efficient and environment-friendly biodegradable hydraulic oil on the market is to check for standards compliance. Excellent viscosity or the oil grade can be assumed if the product is ISO 32, 46 or 68 compliant. Similarly, compliance with ASTM-D-6006 and ASTM-D-6046 can be used to assess the degree of biodegradability.

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