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Important Things In Parking Garage Designs

By Lela Perkins

Wherever you go, for sure you will bring your car with you. Because of a larger population of people with automobiles, it is hard to find a space where you will park your car. These parks are considered the secondary land use. Though they are not the most important land structure in a building, there are a lot of things that have to be considered in parking garage designs.

As much as possible they should be located or placed underground. This is to avoid the traffic caused by parking lots that are placed on the pave way. As what you may notice, one cause of a highly traffic area is the cars that are obstructing the smooth flow of automobiles. They should be placed on the interior of a city block with little or no street exposure.

The materials should all be the same in texture and color. Most of the people that will be visiting your building are those which have already established themselves in the industry. They might be businessmen and they would not like it when the area is colorful. They have enough money to book a flight ticket to Disneyland, by the way.

The materials that is needed in building this platform should have high quality. This is to ensure that it is durable. With the weights of automobiles that it will be holding for a long period of time, it is natural that the quality will be considered. Ask the professional expert because they know more.

Avoid placing it on a corner or it might be the source of accidents. Corners are the place where roads intersect so they have to be avoided. It will be hard for a driver to move out from the area since the cars are moving. He might also hit a person who is crossing the pedestrian lane.

It should not destroy the view, rhythm, scale, and massing of the streetscape. This is to ensure that no accidents will happen in the vicinity. This is to avoid the traffic from creating stress and hassles to drivers and pedestrians. That is the best advise the expert could provide you. Do not disrupt the massing of the streetscape and the beautiful view of your front office.

Stairs and elevators have to be designed to fit within the boundaries and not on the exterior. This is to avoid the hassles that they will be experiencing. Stairs and elevators are useful when these people go to their offices which are above the space, by the way.

The openness and security should never be forgotten too since these are valuable items that will be placed underground. You have to put CCTV cameras. They are designed to capture all the actions that took place underground. You have to hire security guards too that will serve as sentinel in these valuable items.

So above are some of the things that shall be considered carefully in terms of parking garage designs. They are few, but they are very helpful. However, if you are not yet satisfied, you may ask the person who has the expertise in this field. He knows more and for sure, he will give you a bunch of information.

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